Our Music Therapy center serves individuals, families, institutions and organizations in need of music therapy and wellness services. We provide medical music therapy to promote healing, recovery and coping with illness or injury. Our certified music therapists can also help you explore the health benefits of music to improve and maintain good health. In corporate environments, beneficiaries of music and wellness services are employees who are eager to develop and enhance leadership, communication, and stress management skills

Music Therapy in Medicine

The music therapists at our center have a variety of specialties, allowing us to provide services in many areas that meet the needs of a wide range of organizations and individuals.
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Music Therapy For Children With Difficulties

Music therapy is a profession that can also improve mental health by reducing symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression.
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Music Therapy For The Elderly

Seniors with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can use music to access their past experiences and memories.It can help reduce stress, anxiety, depression and agitation.
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Music Therapy For Trauma Management

Trauma management therapy uses techniques like CBT, EMDR, art, and music therapy to address trauma symptoms and enhance coping skills.
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Auditory Integration Training

Auditory integration training (AIT) is a type of voice therapy, aimed at reducing sensitivity to sounds or other problems with how you process sounds. Auditory Integration Training (AIT) is sometimes used for autistic children, aged 3 years or older,...
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